The reason for this is that the reserves that are being carried out for the new iPhone X smartphones are surpassing the predictions that the tech giant Apple itself had made in this regard. It has been just over 24 hours since the deadline for reservations was opened and the desire of the tech giant Apple’s users and fans is already more than evident. As pointed out by Reuters, the truth is that in the technological world there were some doubts about the interest that the iPhone X would arouse in its first moments of existence. The doubts were not generated by the terminal itself, but rather by the iPhone 8. Recall that the tech giant Apple decided to jointly present the iPhone 8 and iPhone X, an unprecedented decision since the Cupertino had never opted to present simultaneously two iPhone models of flagship type. However, the 10 years since the launch of the first iPhone served as an ideal excuse for the company to launch two smartphones and expand the range. What is clear is that interest in the most powerful iPhone model is evident. The reserves of the iPhone X are surpassing the pace expected by the company and that has already caused that the deadlines, set at first for 5 weeks, have now become 6 weeks.

The iPhone X and the high prices

The good reception that is experiencing the iPhone X also serves to clear another unknown related to its price. There were few who put the cry in the sky and the doubt after verifying that the terminal would be around 1,000 dollars in the market. Still, it seems that the desire of users is able to deal with those numbers, and we’ll see if it also accepts larger figures in the future. So, what do you think about this? Simply share your views and thoughts in the comment section below.