The tech giant Apple recently released its top 10 most downloaded apps, and there are some surprises. Let’s see what the preferred apps of iOS users are. In the list of the main applications downloaded in the Apple App Store are those that usually occupy the first places in all the tops. With a Google and Facebook domain, this list shows that even with one more year, users’ options remain the same, with some new stuff intruding on this list.


We started the list with Snapchat. This communication app has managed, over the years, to stay in the top 10 and be one of the first choices of iOS users. Snapchat is one of the few applications that falls outside the domain of Google and Facebook, thus breaking a possible domain of these.

Facebook Messenger

With Facebook Messenger begins the domain of the largest social network on the planet. This messaging application is present on almost every device, and we can even say that it is an essential app nowadays. Being a communication application, it perfectly complements the other Facebook app that is on this table.

Pokémon GO

The Pokémon GO is a rookie in this table. The game that stormed the summer of 2016 has achieved record numbers in the App Store. Their numbers are so relevant that even after spending interest in the game, it’s still in the top 10 of the App Store’s most downloaded apps.


Instagram is another classic of this list. This social network dedicated to photography continues to maintain the interest of users. This is another application of the Facebook universe, thus reinforcing its dominance position in this table.


The app of the largest Internet social network could not fail to be present in this top 10. For another year, Facebook has managed to stay on top and is one of the most downloaded applications. The change of philosophy of Facebook, which has turned almost completely to the mobile universe has resulted in full and this can be noted in the applications that Facebook has available.


Google also has a strong presence in the App Store and users of this system adhere to its offerings. YouTube is one of the must-have applications, which is unmatched. Google’s video service is one of the choices users make when setting up their new iPhones and this can be seen with this presence.

Google Maps

The Google map service has a rival that originated on iOS. This could be enough to leave you out of the options, but the truth is that this does not happen. The quality of this service, which until now has come to be installed from scratch with iOS, continues to put it on top of preferences leaving the Apple map service in the background.


Music streaming services also take place in this list of applications. Pandora, which is not available in all countries, has captured the attention of many users. Along with another service, including Apple’s own, this is an area that continues to grow and captivate many users.


This streaming video service could not fail to be present in this list of iPhone and iPad users’ preferences. Even as a paid service, it continues to be an important option for users who recognize its quality, especially now that allows use without an Internet connection.


Finally, we have Spotify. This is by far the most widely used music streaming service, including Apple Music. After a few wars with Apple, Spotify continues to be rock and stone in this application store, making it one of the first choices in the new device. It is important to note that this list was collected by Apple in early December, which left out the game Super Mario Run, which would have direct access and guaranteed in this list, if the data obtained now. Many more applications could be on this list, but users’ choices have been obvious and have fallen on the most successful applications, many of them over the course of several years.