The company says it will launch next week a Beta release on Steam and then release the news to all who have the PC version. The islands should also receive the patch some time later, but no date was specified.

Fallout 4 Patch Will Arrive Next Week For PC Version

The post also notes that the separate update procedure dates platforms and has worked well for the company on other occasions and allowed the problems to be solved more quickly. In addition, the text says that the idea is to launch small, frequent updates, which will evaluate more efficiently if a modification or not brought problems to other parts of the game, which is quite large. “It is true that freedom that our games offer may have unforeseen consequences that often result negative, as when they join many unpredictable elements at the same time. Given the scale and complexity of their systems, especially those that allow you to build settlements, is for us a pleasure to say that Fallout 4 is our most solid release and stable and would like to thank our fantastic quality control team, which has worked tirelessly to break the game and thereby to our concerted problems during development.

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However, not one hundred professional hunting bugs were able to replicate the experience of thousands of people who are playing now, and we are striving to address the most serious problems.