The lawsuit was opened on Tuesday in a court of California in the United States, by Reynaldo Gonzalez, father of Nohemi Gonzalez, According to the sources, Facebook, Twitter and Google three were named in a lawsuit because the companies have “allowed” the advancement of the organization. These three giants have huge roles in fueling the rise of the Islamic State group by allowing it to use their networks for advertising propaganda, raising the funds. Reynaldo Gonzalez said, “have knowingly permitted the terrorist group Isis to use their social networks as a tool for spreading extremist propaganda, raising funds and attracting new recruits.” Google is named as an owner of Youtube in the lawsuit. Youtube is the source that Islamic state used to post propaganda which includes videos of executions The Attorney of the victims family Keith Altman said ” Google, Twitter, and Facebook provide infrastructure and material support for Isis to conduct terrorist activity. These companies are not doing a good enough job of keeping the terrorists from using their network” In return, Facebook said the lawsuit is without merit and they said “there is no place for terrorists or content that promotes or supports terrorism on Facebook, and we work aggressively to remove such content as soon as we become aware of it. Anyone can report terrorist accounts or content to us, and our global team responds to these reports quickly around the clock. If we see evidence of a threat of imminent harm or a terror attack, we reach out to law enforcement.” Twitter said the “strongly condemns the ongoing acts of violence for which ISIS claims credit.” Google said “We have clear policies prohibiting terrorist recruitment and content intending to incite violence and quickly remove videos violating these policies when flagged by our users. We also terminate accounts run by terrorist organizations or those that repeatedly violate our policies,” The first discussion set for this case is in September. Tell us your opinions about terrorist groups on using Social networks.