Telegram is an instant messaging app that’s quite similar to Messenger, WhatsApp, and Signal. Although Telegram has several features that are similar to WhatsApp, there are some unique features that you might not find on any other instant messaging app. One such feature is ‘Silent Messages’. With Silent Message, you can message your friends freely when you know they are sleeping, studying, or attending a meeting. The feature is unique and could be handy as it lets you send messages without notification sound. Also Read: How to Start End-to-End Encrypted ‘Secret Chat’ On Telegram

How to Send Silent Messages On Telegram (Unique Feature)

So, if you are interested in trying out the Telegram feature, then continue reading the article. In this article, we will share a step-by-step guide on how to send messages on telegram without notification sound. Let’s check out. Step 1. First of all, open Telegram on your Android smartphone.

Step 2. Now open the contact whom you want to send a message without sound. Step 3. Now type in the message as usual. Instead of tapping on the send button, hold the send button for about 3-4 seconds.

Step 4. You will now see an option ‘Send Without Sound’. Step 5. Just tap on the Send without sound button, and the message will be sent.

Note: If you are unable to find or use the new feature, then head to the Google Play Store and update the Telegram Android app. That’s it! You are done. Once sent, the recipient will not hear any notification sound. So, this article is all about how to send messages without notification sound in Telegram. I hope this article helped you! Please share it with your friends also. If you have any doubts related to this, let us know in the comment box below.

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